When I work with leaders and teams on their Adaptable Leader Profile and Postures, I teach that all postures on the list have their place. None are always good or always bad – it’s about selecting the right approach for a given situation. Even so, we’ve noticed that some postures tend to come with a bit of pride attached to them. This might sound like…
“Yes, I’m proud of the fact that I Empower my people!”
“I’m a great Partner, rolling up my sleeves and doing the work alongside my people.”
Other postures tend to come with a bit of shame, especially as someone realizes they aren’t very happy with their own default posture (the posture they lean into most naturally).
“I only Abstain because I want people to figure things out on their own…”
“I know I shouldn’t Rescue people so much, but I just can’t help myself…”
Let's push the shame aside and dive a bit deeper into the Rescue posture. What does this posture look like? What motivates someone to rescue others? When should we rescue and when does rescuing do more harm than good? The better you understand the answers to these questions, the more equipped you will be to navigate a variety of scenarios with ease. It’s all about knowing when to swoop in and save the day… and when to leave your cape tucked away in the closet.
What does rescuing look like?
Rescue is the most hands-on leadership posture on the list. It's an active posture that can take many forms. As you review the list below, try to refrain from judging these actions as “right” or “wrong” for now. This can all be a bit nuanced, which we will get to in a bit.
Examples of the Rescue posture in action:
Taking a task off another person’s plate entirely
Jumping in to speak for another person when they are struggling to find the words
Having a difficult conversation for someone so they don’t have to
Taking over a new team member's work entirely, to meet the deadline they wouldn't meet on their own
Why do we rescue?
There are several potential motivators when it comes to rescuing. Chances are, if you tend to rescue, you’ve been motivated by more than one of the following:
It feels good to help other people. (“Ah… the Helper’s High is real!”)
It looks good to help other people. (“Being the Office Savior looks good on me.”)
We want to prove our value. (“See? These people would be lost without me.”)
We want to prevent others from experiencing pain or difficulty. (“I can’t sit back while my friend struggles.”)
We want to prevent a bad work outcome. (“This is a train wreck. I need to step in.”)
On the other hand, if Rescue is a stretch posture for you (a posture that does not come naturally to you), you may have one of more of the following motivations to avoid rescuing:
We don't want to be associated with weakness or poor work product. ("Don't lump me in with that guy. I'm keeping my distance.")
We have a core belief that failure is the best way to learn. ("How else will she learn not to do that?")
We have too much on our own plate. ("I can barely stay on top of my own tasks. I'm not about to take on another person's work.")
We don't believe we are capable of swooping in. ("That person is in a pickle and I couldn't help if I wanted to.")
We believe other's failures highlight our own successes. ("Now people will see that not everyone can do what I do. I'll let him fail.")
These are not exhaustive lists, but it’s important to think about our motivations. There are good motivations to do things, and there are poor motivations to do things. There are self-focused motivations, and there are others-focused motivations. Motivations matter. When we better understand our motivations, we can make better decisions about our actions.
When should we rescue?
Again, all postures have their place. It’s about discernment. In some cases, your tendency to swoop in is the right thing to do. In other cases, another posture is a far better fit.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself when deciding whether to swoop in and rescue.
Am I rescuing because it helps me or because it helps others? (Think back to the list of motivations above.)
Am I truly needed? Is this person (or this team) capable of succeeding without my help?
What learning or experience am I robbing this person of if I swoop in? What recognition or future opportunities could I rob them of?
What’s the bad thing I fear might happen if I don’t swoop in? Is it a big enough risk?
What’s the good thing that could happen if I don’t swoop in? Is it a big enough value?
Is there a less hands-on posture that would mitigate risk while still providing value? Could I provide some direction or feedback, without swooping in entirely? Does this person just need encouragement or permission?
What advice would I give another person in my shoes? Would I advise them to swoop in?
You can see how processing through a few questions will help make your next steps clearer.
You may find it best to NOT swoop in and fully take over when you see your new team member struggling through their first major project. You can still be supportive and engaged in his success without fully taking over. Perhaps equipping him with a few key resources and a peer mentor to go to with questions will serve him best.
Let’s say Jennie, a longtime key member of your team, returns from bereavement leave after the loss of her husband. You may find some intentional short-term rescuing is just what she needs to find her footing as a newly single working mom of four.
You can see this is all very nuanced, as things always are when we are working with humans. With a well-stocked toolbox and a commitment to intentional adaptability, you’ll be ready to show up well for your people in all situations.
Reach out to learn more about our Adaptable Leadership programs!